
The latest episodes of “Bottle Talk with Rick & Paul” were recorded before COVID-19 put the planet into a frightening spin. If you’re sheltering at home drinking wine to get by, we hope “Bottle Talk” can be a distraction and a reminder that no matter how crazy the world may seem, with Rick and Paul involved, there’s always room for more foolishness.

Welcome to Bottle Talk with Rick & Paul!


“I told you not to shake the bottle …”

Wine does not have to be a mystery. It doesn’t need to make you feel you’re being tested to join some secret Skull & Bones Society. The stuff is, after all, wine. All you really need to know is how to get it open and which end of the glass to drink from. (We’re pretty sure it’s the open part.) Most of us drink it because it’s fun.

Join us and enjoy the show! And ask us a question, we’ll try to answer it on the air.


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